Spinning top - Candlesticks

-A Technical Analysis View- From a Forex trading perspective, Spinning tops are candlesticks that depict indecision or a pending trend-reversal in the market. Indecision in the market indicates loss of momentum from both buyers and sellers. An indication that neither buyers nor sellers are in control at that moment. A situation where a trader embraces wait and observe mode. Therefore, when a Spinning top candlestick forms following an up-trend (bullish market), it depicts – buyers losing momentum (Bullish Spinning tops). Likewise, when a Spinning top candlestick forms following a down-trend (bearish market), it depicts sellers losing momentum (Bearish Spinning tops). (Pic. Courtesy of swagforex) Two prominent features are indicative of a spinning top candlestick, namely: – Small body with (long) wicks/shadows extending from both upper and lower sides. Upper and Lower wicks often equal in length. Essentially, wicks indicate the following: – U...